Carolinas District barbershoppers and their families and guests gathered at the Marriott Grande Dunes in Myrtle Beach, SC for a fun-filled weekend of song and camaraderie. When the dust had settled on the various contests, Zero Hour and Let’s Sing! earned the right to represent the District this summer at the 2016 International convention in Nashville. Zero Hour scored an average of 80.2 over the two nights. Let’s Sing! scored an average of 77.5, also easily beating the 76 average required to qualify for International.
In the chorus contest, Carolina Vocal Express, now under the direction of Dale Comer, topped the field of 11 choruses, with an average score 80.1, earning the privilege to representing the District at the 2017 International convention in Las Vegas. Charlotte’s Gold Standard Chorus tied for second place and won the District Chorus Championship, its first championship since the Carolinas District was formed. The Heart of Carolina Chorus from Durham tied Charlotte, and won the tie breaker for the AA Plateau award based on a Singing score tie-breaker. (As the retiring 2015 District Chorus champions, HOCC was not eligible to compete for that title this year.)
In the seniors quartet contest, Harmony Grits won the International qualifying contest, and will represent us the 2017 Midwinter in San Antonio. Hazardous Moving Parts was declared the District Seniors Quartet Champion.
Several non-Singing awards were awarded, including Hall of Fame inductee Michael Doheny, and District Barbershopper of the year Ben Mills.
Watch this space for more updates.