Did you miss Barbershop Revival in 2019?
This important outreach to young African American singers will return to NC Central University in Durham, in the fall of 2023.
The Barbershop Revival will:
- Celebrate African American roots of barbershop harmony
- Introduce young singers in the African American community to barbershop
- Invite them to sing and experience barbershop
- Feature Master Classes and a Saturday night show
The Barbershop Revival is an ongoing project in Research Triangle, NC, intended to celebrate the African American roots of barbershop harmony and, to quote Harold Hicks, President & CEO, The National Museum of African American Music, our goal is to “re-establish the historical links between Barbershop Harmony and African American Musical traditions. It is a Youth Outreach project aimed primarily at the three Historically Black Colleges (HBCUs) in the Research Triangle area. We view this project as a restoration of a cultural heritage to its founders.
Contact Warren Fuson with questions or to sign up to volunteer. Registration will be opening soon.