The Carolinas District was established on July 10, 2010. It consists of chapters of the Barbershop Harmony Society located in the states of North Carolina and South Carolina. The Savannah, GA Chapter joined the Carolinas District January 1, 2012.
Annual Histories
The Carolinas District publishes Annual Histories highlighting our chapters, quartets, conventions and other events during the year.
Carolinas District History July 2010- December 2011
Carolinas District History 2012
Carolinas District History 2013
Carolinas District History 2014
Carolinas District History 2015
Carolinas District History 2016
Carolinas District History 2017
Barbershopping in the Carolinas 1948-2010
Prior to the Carolinas District being established, chapters of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. from North Carolina and South Carolina were a part of the Dixie District. The first chapter was established in the “Carolinas” in 1948. During the 63 years from 1948 to 2010 fifty-five chapters were formed, chartered, reformed, had annual shows, and competed in contests. This history is the story of those chapters and their quartets and is presented in the following volumes:
Champions an International Representatives
Volume I – 1948-1959
Volume II – 1960-1969
To be published:
Volume III – 1970-1979
Volume IV– 1980-1989
Volume V – 1990-1999
Volume VI – 2000-2010