Barbershoppers from around the Carolina gathered in Raleigh for the Carolinas Barbershop Harmony Fall convention. It was a chance to see old friends and make new ones.
When the dust settled, Hoopla was crowned the District Quartet Champion. In fact, this quartet from the Central Carolina chapter was also the Youth Quartet champs and the Novice Quartet chamgs – a hat trick that has never been done before (at least in the Carolinas but probably anywhere).
Let’s Sing! earned the privilege of representing the Carolinas at the International Senior quartet contest to be held in Daytona Beach in February. Hastily Assembled, hailing from the Winston-Salem chapter, won the District Senior Quartet championship.
In the chorus contest, the Gold Standard Chorus from Charlotte were named the winners, with Land of the Sky winning Plateau A and finishing second overall. The Fayetteville Sound was the most improved chorus.
Click below for Contest results:
Our thanks to VP-Events Jason Kekas and our hosts Heart of Carolina for a well-run convention!