March 21, 2021 Harmony A cappella music requires us to listen to one another to create beautiful harmonies. It requires us to actively reach out to one another, harmonizing by listening to and supporting the other voices. We honor and nurture each part in an attempt to realize beautiful music. What we create singing together is far greater than the sum of its parts. Working together empowers us as people and as musicians as we share the magical gift of four-part harmony. The Barbershop Continue Reading
How “When You Believe” Came Together
by Bill Adams, VP of Music & Performance One of the challenges facing all of our chapters and quartets during Coronatide is how to stay active and engaged. Most of us are unwilling to risk exposure, or exposing each other, to the virus, and so we sit at home and try to think of how we can keep singing. Zoom rehearsals help to fill some of the social void but leave all of us wanting in terms of our musical connections. And yet, this year, is the tenth anniversary of our District and we Continue Reading
7th Dimension and Sh-Boom Win Carolinas Virtual Barbershop Festival Quartet Titles; Choruses Tie for Barbershop Chorus Title
In the first ever Carolinas Virtual Barbershop Festival, 7th Dimension (Carol Stephenson, Nic Cols, Gary Thorn, Garland Johnson) won the title of Favorite Barbershop Quartet with their performance of "You and The Birds and The Bees and Cupid". Tidal Fource (Tim McGrath, Jim Rowe, Hal McCann, and Brooke Pearson) won second place with their performance of "Old Cape Cod", and "Just Me" a clever solo project by Mark Schmidtke, took third with "Wonderful World". Sh-Boom won the Non-Barbershop Continue Reading
Carolinas Virtual Barbershop Festival Livestreams This Saturday
The Carolinas Virtual Barbershop Festival will be streamed on YouTube Live this Saturday, November 14th, starting at 7pm. Click here to go to the District's YouTube playlists and then select 'Carolinas Virtual Barbershop Festival. Continue Reading