Individual Learning Track – Saturday Morning
9-10 am: The Bel Canto Buzz – This one hour class was a sensation in Las Vegas and our practitioner will guide you in the highlights of vocal techniques and strategies to sing effortlessly, on pitch and with natural resonance.
10-11am: Sing to the Ring – This one hour session will make you a believer in the power of shading vowels to achieve a brilliant and consistent ring with your quartet or chorus.
11-12pm: Society Strategic Vision – You’ve seen the video and maybe examined the brochure. Now drill in deep and explore what it means to you and your chapter with guide Dusty Schliere, Society Events
1-4pm: Take Me to the Woodshed, and Make Me Like It – Learn the art of woodshedding from Jedi Master Jim Tarantino and join our Ancient and Honorable Society of Woodshedders (AHSOW) as you hear a melody line and learn how to harmonize to it in real time.
To preregister for these courses, Click Here.
Quartet Learning Track
Saturday Morning and Afternoon Coaching Sessions
It is time once again to consider registration for the Quartet Coaching Clinic at the Fall Festival in Raleigh, NC on Saturday, November 11th.
Click Here and get your quartet on the schedule for coaching at Fall Festival now!!!!!
Registration will stay open until September 30th. Make sure your quartet is on the list before the coaching slots get reserved by other groups!!!
As in the past, we have about twenty five (25) 90-minute coaching sessions that can be scheduled and will open those sessions to any and all registered quartets in the district.
The cost of this coaching clinic for each quartet is included with the registration fee for the Festival. There is no additional cost. It is provided by the NSC District as a part of the Festival and is designed to help your quartet improve their singing and performance.
The NSC District is very unique in offering this opportunity. All of those session will have certified BHS judges working with your quartet for the entire session. Here is a list of the judges that will be on site for the Festival:
Appointed for the official panel to judge the quartet contest:
Jeff Taylor – Music Judge
David Krause – Performance Judge
Chad Wulf – Singing Judge
In addition we are making arrangements for additional non-NSC District certified judges to come to the festival to coach our quartets:
Gary Plaag – Performance Judge
Dusty Schleier – Performance Judge
And we also have NSC District certified judges who are available to coach quartets as well.
Steve Curulla – Performance Judge
Larry Reinhart – Performance Judge
Mark Stock – Singing Judge
Register your quartet for the Coaching Clinic
Chorus Learning Track
Saturday Morning and Afternoon Coaching Sessions
SATURDAY MORNING CHORUS SESSIONS – Choruses requesting coaching sessions will be scheduled for 1 ½ hour sessions during the morning hours. We have the potential for eight (8) coaching sessions for choruses on that morning. Coaches may be members of the judging panel for the quartet contest, be members of the Carolinas District Coaching Core, or be other out-of-district invited coaches who are coming to the Festival. Chorus requests will be scheduled on a “first come first served” basis so if your chorus desires to have a coaching session you will want to contact Mark Stock ( ASAP to assure that your chorus is given priority on the schedule. When a chorus registers for the coaching sessions, they are agreeing to have all four voice parts covered and a majority of their members present for the coaching session.
SATURDAY AFTERNOON ‘MASTER CLASS’ CHORUS SESSIONS – The following choruses were the top scorers in this Spring’s convention and are scheduled for coaching sessions for Saturday afternoon with the judging panel:
- Central Carolina: Heart of Carolina A Capella (1 PM – 4 PM)
- Mount Pleasant: Palmetto Vocal Project (1 PM – 4 PM)
- Winston-Salem: Triangle Harmony Express Chorus (1 PM – 4 PM)
- Rocky Mount: Carolina Vocal Express (4:00 PM – 5:30 PM – Coach TBD)
Sessions will be open to the public to see the judges coaching style and learn from the masters.