The plan for the Statesmen is to continue to meet and rehearse in preparation for the 2017 NSC Fall Festival in Raleigh and sing at that event. Last year this was well received as an additional part of the festival events and it is our plan to repeat that performance. However, different from our past efforts, we want to invite ALL NSC senior singers to join us for that performance.
In previous advertisements and invitations, there was a caveat that we needed all singers to commit to the Festival AND to the Mid-Winter Convention. For the 2017 Festival in Raleigh, that requirement will NOT be necessary since we will NOT be attending the January 2018 Mid-Winter in Orange County California. How did this happen? Check Breaking News below.
So if you are a “senior singer” (over 55) here is your chance to sing in a bigger chorus with your NSC brothers!
You will be expected to attend at least two (2) of the Statesmen rehearsals. They are scheduled for Saturdays in August, September and October as follows:
- –Saturday, August 26th, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM, Fries Memorial Moravian Church, 251 N. Hawthorne Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27104
- –Saturday, September 16th, 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Home Moravian Church, Winston Salem (coupled to the CVE rehearsal)
- –Saturday, October 21st, 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM, St. Anthony Catholic Church, 2536 W. Hoffmeyer Road, Florence, SC
You will be expected to come to the rehearsals with both songs memorized (notes and words) so that we can spend our time together rehearsing the songs.
You will be expected to join the other members and perform these two songs at the Fall Festival in Raleigh, NC, in November 2017.
The songs have already been chosen and have been posted for access by members of the Statesmen so that they can begin their learning process.
- – This is All I Ask, Frank Sinatra number arranged by Buzz Hager
- –The Man in the Looking Glass, Frank Sinatra number arranged by Larry Triplett
That is the easy part. Simply hit the link below and complete the registration process. Once you do, you will get an email sent to you with a link to the music. You can start your learning immediately.
You will be put on an email list to receive all emails and communication with information and details about the Statesmen.
Register now and join in the musical fun of singing with a big chorus and step onto the Statesmen risers!
BREAKING NEWS: The Carolina Statesmen – NSC Senior Chorus – is set to sing in Nashville at the 2019 Mid-Winter Convention at the Grand Ole Opry
You read that headline correctly! If you are a senior singer, there is an opportunity for you to join the Statesmen and sing on the Grand Ole Opry stage!!! Please read on to get the details!
As you all know the Statesmen were a part of the inaugural Senior Chorus Festival at the 2016 Mid-Winter Convention in San Antonio. That event was so successful that that BHS wanted to continue and expand the festival as a regular part of the future Mid-Winter events – and in fact wanted to develop a way for all districts in the Society to have the opportunity.
However, the Mid-Winter schedule is already so packed with events that inviting ALL senior choruses to attend and sing in the festival event is impossible. So a process was developed to invite all districts to attend and sing at Mid-Winter over a three year period.
At the District President’s Summit prior to Harmony University all districts drew from a lottery to determine which year they would be on the invitation list for inclusion in the Mid-Winter Senior Chorus Festival:
2018 in Orange County California, 2019 in Nashville at the Grand Ole Opry, or 2020 in a location TBD.
Your senior chorus leadership team was clear to President Dave and Executive VP Tom that our first choice was NASHVILLE! And here are the final results of the selection process.
2018 Mid-Winter Convention in Orange County, California
Far Western District, Hosting
Evergreen DistricT
Ontario District
Land of Lakes District |
sunshine District
2019 Mid-Winter Convention in Nashville, Tennessee
Dixie District, Hosting
Carolinas District
Illinois District
Johnny Appleseed District
Seneca Land
Southwest District
2020 Mid-Winter Convention, Location TBD
Cardinal District
Central States District
Mid Atlantic District
Northeastern District
Pioneer District
Rocky Mountain District
The plan for the Statesmen is to continue to meet and rehearse in preparation for the 2017 NSC Fall Festival in Raleigh and sing at that event. Last year this was well received as an additional part of the festival events and it is our plan to repeat that performance. However, different from our past efforts, we want to invite ALL NSC senior singers to join us for that performance.
In previous advertisements and invitations, there was a caveat that we needed all singers to commit to the Festival AND to the Mid-Winter Convention. For the 2017 Festival in Raleigh, that requirement will NOT be necessary since we will NOT be attending the January 2018 Mid-Winter in Orange County California. .
So if you are a “senior singer” (over 55) here is your chance to sing in a bigger chorus with your NSC brothers! Click Here to Register.