We’re expanding a concept we’ve pioneered with our Fall Festival and offering some informative and interactive general education sessions. These are free with your registration.
Hot Topics in Contests and Judging: Saturday, 4-5pm – Atlantic 7
Join BHS Contest & Judging committee chairman David Mills for a wide-ranging discussion on recent and pending changes to the judging program. Bring your questions, such as:
- What’s the big deal with the new Performance category?
- How is such-and-such song possibly contestable? What happened to penalties?
- Wait – women judges?
- What is this Best Seat in the House program?
- What does it take to be a judge?
- What is the District senior chorus contest all about?
Sing the Barber Polecat 2 Songs: Friday, 4-5pm – Atlantic 6
Forty years in the making, we finally have a sequel to the Barber Polecat song book. Bring your Barber Polecat 2 book and sing through this new collection of songs. Then impress your friends all weekend by singing the songs with confidence. Lead by director/musician/vocal coach Robert Cox. A limited number of songbooks will be available for purchase for $20.
Tag Singing: Saturday, 4-5pm – Tides 2
Singing tags is what got a lot guys hooked on Barbershop, and Master Tagmeister Jim Tarantino knows some of the best. Sure, you’ve probably belted “Smile” and can fake your way through “Last Night Was the End of the World”, but have you sung “Brown Eyes”?
Woodshedding 101: Friday, 4-5pm – Tides 1
Go back in time before there were Tim Waurick learning tracks for every song… heck, before the harmony parts were even written down. Can you image singing a song with three other guys where you just kind of worked out the harmonies as you went along – and it actually sounded good?! The art of Woodshedding does have some general guidelines. Learn the secret for knowing where to go next with your part. Lead by arranger and director Larry Triplett.